Mor chaal

The narrative of the ‘Mor Chaal’ drama series revolves around Maheen, a professional lawyer and dedicated social worker who has tirelessly championed women’s rights throughout her career. Her assertive yet compassionate nature becomes a powerful tool in her fight for women’s rights. In contrast, her husband, Asher Ibraham, a renowned writer, possesses a charismatic but duplicitous personality, effortlessly ensnaring young and beautiful women with his eloquent words. In a parallel realm, Aroosa, a 22-year-old girl hailing from a destitute village family, faces an unsettling proposal from the village chief’s son. Fearing for her safety, Aroosa’s parents seek refuge for her with Maheen, aided by a local reporter, shielding her from the antagonist’s malevolent intentions. Maheen offers her shelter, embracing Aroosa as her younger sister. Aroosa finds solace and security within the company of the esteemed couple. Tragically, Asher succumbs to his own desires, plunging the story into a moral dilemma that forces Maheen to choose between her husband and the young girl under her protection. 

36 × 36′
Agha Ali, Babar Ali, Srha Asghar, Mansha Pasha, Ali Josh