
Weaves a captivating tale of Burak and Haya, two souls whose lives took dramatically different paths after a poignant parting during their collegiate days. Burak ascended to the heights of wealth as a billionaire magnate, fueled by a mix of ambition and a thirst for vengeance against Haya, the love who chose another. Meanwhile, Haya immersed herself in the world of game design, crafting a sanctuary and purpose within her creative endeavours. Destiny intervenes, drawing their paths together once more when Haya’s innovative gaming firm partners with Burak’s corporate empire on an exciting venture. This unexpected reunion stirs long-dormant feelings and desires, laying the groundwork for a story of passion, redemption, and the complexities of the human heart.

77 x 1'
Asad Alvi, Areej Tariq Chaudhry, Anam Hussain, Hamza Majeed Khan, Khushhal Khan, Mahnoor Pervaiz, Seemi Raheel, Hussain Rajput, Mahnoor Shah, Mamya Shajaffar